The mind creates all of our boundaries, seeing life in black and white. The heart is boundless, connected to the intuitive wisdom of our soul. Life is truly a simple experience that we overcomplicate with thinking. The more we mind, the less we feel. If life isn’t fulfilling it’s likely we’ve stopped feeling. After all, the most fulfilling experiences in life are the ones that set our heart ablaze, our senses aflame and our minds away. Lose your mind, find your heart and you will know the meaning of fulfillment.

We all want fulfillment, yet most of us are unaware of what it means to be fulfilled. It’s also safe to say that our idea of fulfillment has been confused with pursuing a false idea of success. We all seem to be after something, but what? It’s clear that we would not pursue something we didn’t think would benefit us. As humans we act for two primary reasons, to gain pleasure or avoid pain. The trouble we’ve created is that fulfillment has become a chase for pleasure—hence our almost addictive desire for success. If we want to experience fulfillment in life we must unlearn its false notions and then relearn its true meaning. People are scared of the truth because they’re accustomed to living in the darkness and calling it a reality. It is a reality for them. Subjective reality.However, this is not reality, this is an illusion. The truth is what reveals the illusion.And allows you to step into the actual reality where you are in Alignment with You. Whatever you need to sacrifice, do it. ...