It is impossible to be a perfect mother, but there are a million ways to be a good one.

You blink and they are toddlers. Then teens. And then they are parents, resembling the you once were. So soak it all up. Hold them in your arms as they fall asleep. Read that book they requested for the tenth time. Snuggle in tight when all they want to do is hug you – feel that small body against your own.
Embrace the exhaustion. The hard days. The overwhelming. Because although at times you might go a little crazy, motherhood is an incredible journey filled with immeasurable love and happiness.

It is impossible to be a perfect mother, but there are a million ways to be a good one.
There is nothing else in the world like the love of a mother. It is a love that knows no bounds, no shame, and will crush down anything that stands in its path.
It’s a special bond that spans the years. Through laughter, worry, smiles and tears.

A sense of trust that can’t be broken,
a depth of love sometimes unspoken,

A life long friendship built on sharing,
Hugs and kisses, warmth and caring,

Mother and daughter their hearts as one.
A link that can never be undone.


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