The awakening experience of death !

The opportunity for the realization of all the many moments we take for granted in this life comes alive as soon as you find out someone you cared for has just passed away. I have lost truly unique and genuine soul who’s life touched not only mine, but many others over the course of his time here on earth. When someone you were used to seeing and hearing from regularly, passes away in a blink leaving everything behind, I’m not kidding, everything feels very weird. This is usually the time where people grieve and mourn over the loss of their loved one, but it is also a time to reflect and look at your own life to think about what it is that you are doing to make a positive difference in this world. When we stop to think about the meaning of our own life and stop worrying about all the silly, small things we worry about constantly, a whole new light shines in and this is an awakening experience that is to be reflected upon, often. Let’s be honest we all get so caught up in the stre...